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Export Import Configuration in OpenERP 7

May 5, 2013 by
Export Import Configuration in OpenERP 7

Export and Import Configuration in OpenERP 7.0

Hello readers,

As an OpenERP user or developer may some time need to data import and export possibly in Migration. There are several methods in OpenERP to server the purpose. In OpenERP 7, data import and export happen in client side so you do not need to have technical knowledge. If you are able to collect the data in a spreadsheet without much efforts;  'CSV Import' will be a better solution for data import. Similarly data can also be exported easily as a CSV files. The CSV file format is a text format compatible with most spreadsheet programs (such as OpenOffice Calc and Microsoft Excel), and is easily editable as a worksheet. The first line contains the name of the fields in the form. All the subsequent lines are data, aligned in their respective columns.

Here you can see how to configure IMPORT,EXPORT your data in OpenERP latest version 7.0. The importation of data into OpenERP has been completely redesigned as to enable much easier and transparent data import operations. Allow to IMPORT data you should unable “Allow users to import data from CSV files” This option is in Setting -> Configuration -> General settings menu as shown below:
                                                                                    Export and Import Configuration in OpenERP 7.0 
After enabling the “Allow users to import data from CSV files” option, the import option is available next to every create button from list view.  


If you want to export the data, the option you can find in list view 'More' option. 
Export and Import Configuration in OpenERP 7.0

How to Import and Export ?

Export :

Its a very simple to Export data in OpenERP 7.0, you just select the data and click on export, open new wizard, you will select the fields that you want to export and click on export to file,

after Export it will create a .CSV file. Export option cannot be disabled by any configuration but you have to write a web module for this.

Export and Import Configuration in OpenERP 7.0

Import :

First you have to select data to import, after selecting data, you can preview right away, thus resulting in a significant gain in time. In previous versions of OpenERP, you had to reiterate the import when the initial one did not meet your criteria. Now after the system analyses the file content and provide indications in case of error.In case of errors in the original file formatting, OpenERP proposes you alternatives and solutions on how to structure your document.

OpenERP 7.0 version gives more file formating options when data importing.

Export and Import Configuration in OpenERP 7.0

import data form .CSV file.

Export and Import Configuration in OpenERP 7.0


You must include every field that is colored blue because those fields are required (unless you know that they get filled by default with an appropriate value), and also any other field that is important to you.

Thanks, Hope this post will be helpful to you. Thanks. Serpent Consulting Services