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SerpentCS : A Lot can hapen over December 2013!

December 9, 2013 by
SerpentCS : A Lot can hapen over December 2013!

December, here we come! Much is happening here. We have OpenERP, Android, Jboss and MySQL Corporate Trainings and ERP implementation trainings going on and we are also adding new service as iPhone App development !

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Overall, we are enjoying being busy and want to be busier than yesterday!

I.   3 parallel Trainings :
A. 10 attendees classroom foreigners in India.
B. 1 remote to Egypt
C. 1 Remote to India.

II. Anil on an onsite campaign to Afghanistan!

III. Husen for an exhibition to Azerbaijan!

IV. Sohil, Anu and Anup getting married!

V. Piyush on an onsite campaign to Kuwait!

VI. Welcoming 2 attendees from Libya for ERP Implementation Training!

VII. Welcoming 1 personnel from Egypt for ERP Implementation Training!

VIII. SerpentCS entering into the 3rd year!

IX. SerpentCS Pvt Ltd completing 1st year!

X. Preparing for another charity event in a unique matter, will definitely require your support! -- SerpentCS!

(Time to gather all energies to set an example and motivate others from all/some of the above deeds)