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OpenERP : Indian Currency Added by Proposal of SerpentCS

April 3, 2012 by
OpenERP : Indian Currency Added by Proposal of SerpentCS

Recently Indian Government has announced the new Indian Currency Symbol. Serpent Consulting Services is taking the privilege to add the Indian Currency Symbol to OpenERP System.

We are India based OpenSource Consulting firm and we take this initiative to add this currency symbol to various versions of OpenERP. We offer various services like OpenERP Consultant in India, OpenERP Support, OpenERP Functional and Technical Training in India, OpenERP Offshore.

Our vast experience helps our clients achieve their goals in various sectors and that also with the low cost by effective communication and satisfactory end results with the help of OpenSource Products. 
openerp:Indian Currency Added by Proposal of SerpentCS  
 You can see the Proposals for different Versions as below: 
