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SerpentCS Pvt. Ltd. does an MOU with LD College of Engg.

April 29, 2013 by
SerpentCS Pvt. Ltd. does an MOU with LD College of Engg.

This is a moment of pride!
  SerpentCS Pvt. Ltd. does an MOU with LD College of Engg. 
This makes us feel proud to announce that Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. has done an MOU(Memorandum of Understanding) with L.D. College of Engineering (LDCE), one of the oldest engineering colleges in India.   L.D.College of Engineering, Ahmedabad is a premier engineering college in Gujarat State set with the objectives of imparting higher education in various fields of engineering. The institute is affiliated to Gujarat Technological University and administrated by Department of Technical education, Gujarat State. Sheth Shri Kasturbhai Lalbhai established institute in 1948 with generous donation. It is situated adjacent to Gujarat University and at nucleus of various national level institutes like PRL, ATIRA, ISRO, IIM etc. The campus consists of buildings for various departments, offices, hostels and library with 64,565 sq.meter builtup area. The institute made a modest start with 75 students for undergraduate programs in 1948, post graduate programs in 1954. At present institute runs 14 undergraduate, 17-post graduate and 4 part-time programs.
  SerpentCS Pvt. Ltd. does an MOU with LD College of Engg. 
We have done an MoU for 5 years which includes various activities, collaborations both ways for the betterment of OpenSource. Our Special thanks to Prof. D. A. Parikh who guided us throughout our meetings and discussions.

In the Software Industry, price and licensing is a major concern. The concept of open source technologies has got momentum recently. Apart from being freeware, open source has become popular for study purpose too, as we get the accessible source code. With this understanding, it has become essential to make the technical educational institutes aware of open source technologies.

LDCE will help SerpentCS in the following areas:

1. On campus placement for providing technical manpower.
2. Technical up gradation on SerpentCS employees.
3. To provide the consultancy and help for efficiency improvement.

   SerpentCS Pvt. Ltd. does an MOU with LD College of Engg. 
SerpentCS will facilitate LDCE for:

1. Regular Industrial visits for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.
2. Facilitate the students to carry out their trainings and project work in various It trends.
3. Delivery of expert lectures and sharing industrial knowledge to the Undergraduate/Postgraduate students and staff of LDCE.
4. Regular seminars/workshops at LDCE for the knowledge upgrade.
5. Will support for curriculum revision/ updating of different courses of LDCE in the areas of Computer Engineering / IT.
6. Will Organize sessions on various subects students study in the semesters.
7. Will empower students on various aspects which need to make them a true IT professional.
SerpentCS Pvt. Ltd. does an MOU with LD College of Engg. 
We are sure this collaboration will help various Opensource products getting skills and help the world more open, collaborative and reach to every individuals.

Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.