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SerpentCS Releases Mass Editing for Tryton, GNU Health!

May 5, 2013 by
SerpentCS Releases Mass Editing for Tryton, GNU Health!


As it is said by someone,’Never Leave a chance to Thank anyone’. Let SerpentCS take a privilege to thank the Tryton community for keeping the world of OpenSource Alive.

Here we are doing a little and attempt to contribute to Tryton, a three-tiers high-level general purpose application platform under the license GPL-3 written in Python and using PostgreSQL as database engine. Tryton is spreading its leg smartly among the OpenSource lovers. Tryton has its own foundation now and going stronger and stronger with each release with the recent release has been Version 2.8. The Tryton community is backed up by highly qualified and big players of OpenSource ERPs.

This is also an aim to let you know about GNU Health, a free Health and Hospital Information System developed with the base of Tryton. SerpentCS has a privilege of being a partner, the only one in the Asia Region.

Here we represent one of the most useful features in ERPs, called Mass Editing. The aim is simply to edit/remove some values of more than one records at the same time, on the fly.

Here you can find the Mass Editing module and the document for the how-to of the module! We are not yet experts in Tryton programming, but a good beginning is half done! We will wait for your feedback and hope to get this contribution added in upcoming version. More screens can be seen in the document as mentioned above.  

  • Tryton Mass Editing
  • Tryton Mass Editing
  • Tryton Mass Editing
  • Tryton Mass Editing
  • Tryton Mass Editing
  • Tryton Mass Editing
    Thanks, Serpent Consulting Services.