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Aeroo Reports in Odoo/ OpenERP v8!

April 14, 2015 by
Aeroo Reports in Odoo/ OpenERP v8!

Hello Reader, We've blogged how to setup Aeroo engine in OpenERP7 here, one of the most visited blogs! We have ourselves contributed the highest for the Aeroo Reports. Its a pleasure that our contribution has been noted here and it will be a helpful thing for the whole Odoo community! As Luke writes, following are the steps for Aeroo reports to be setup in Odoo!

Ubuntu 14.04 Aeroo Reports installation method:

Install Git: #0      sudo apt-get install git Install AerooLib: #1      sudo apt-get install python-setuptools #2      sudo apt-get install python-genshi python-cairo python-lxml #3      sudo apt-get install libreoffice-script-provider-python #4      sudo mkdir /opt/aeroo #5      cd /opt/aeroo #6      sudo git clone #7      cd /opt/aeroo/aeroolib #8      sudo python install Install AerooDOCS (see: for original post): #9      sudo apt-get install python3-pip #10     sudo pip3 install jsonrpc2 daemonize #11     cd /opt/aeroo #12     sudo git clone #13     sudo python3 /opt/aeroo/aeroo_docs/aeroo-docs start -c /etc/aeroo-docs.conf #14     sudo ln -s /opt/aeroo/aeroo_docs/aeroo-docs /etc/init.d/aeroo-docs #15     sudo update-rc.d aeroo-docs defaults #16     sudo service aeroo-docs start [ ! ]  If you encounter and error "Unable to lock on the pidfile while trying #16 just restart your server (sudo shutdown -r now)                         and try #16 again after reboot. Install Odoo from Source: #17      cd /tmp #18     sudo wget #19     sudo sh #20     restart the server (sudo shutdown -r now) Install Aeroo Reports: #21    sudo apt-get install python-cups #22    cd /opt/odoo/custom #23    sudo git clone -b master After following the (above) steps in this guide you should have Aeroo Reports installed correctly on your server for Ubuntu 14.04 and Odoo 8.0. You'll just need to create a database and install the required Aeroo reports modules you need for that database. [ ! ]    Do not have aeroo_report_sample in your addons directory or you will get an error message when updating module list: Warning! Unmet python dependencies! No module named cups Install report_aeroo module in Odoo database: #24    Go to Settings >> Users >> Administrator in the backend of Odoo #25    Tick the box next to 'Technical Features' and Save, then refresh your browser window. #26    Go to Settings >> Update Modules List > Update #27    Go to Settings >> Local Modules > Search for: Aeroo #28    Install report_aeroo #29    You'll be confronted with an installation wizard, click: Continue >> Choose Simple Authentication from the Authentication dropdown list, and add username and password: anonymous [ ! ]     You can change the username and password in: /etc/aeroo-docs.conf if required. #30    Click Apply and Test At #30 you will see an error message in the AerooDOCS configuration wizard as follows: Failure! Connection to DOCS service was not established or convertion to PDF unsuccessful! Details: argument of type 'instancemethod' is not iterable Even though this error message is showing, the aeroo_reports module seems to be functioning ok on the surface. I have been able to install product_catalog_aeroo_report [] and it seems to be functioning great for printing out custom reports like product pricelists by category and pricelist to ODS and ODT formats. We must say thank to Alistek for the great effort and also to the other contributors! Long live Odoo Community! Thanks.