Dear Reader,
Being an expert of ODOO Since 11+ years, we have been releasing some useful tips and news around Odoo every month. Here we go for Sep 2018. Please note down the ODOO tips coming out of Media around ODOO especially Twitter and Facebook. Let's thank to them.
Here are the tips.
Odoo : The Agenda for this year's
#OdooExperience is finalized! Check out all the inspiring talks and the awesome evening agenda: -
Yenthe will be introducing the world's very first technical training and documentation platform for Odoo! Hope to see you there. …
10 attendees already became champ in August 2018, make your self an
#odoo champ in 20 days. Get your teammates become champ in 20 days crash course - …@Serpent_CS -
#OCA website is back , running#Odoo 11, migrated with love by@OdooCommunity members and contributors using#OpenUpgrade. Thanks to all people involved in the effort -
How to send products to customers directly from suppliers (
#dropshipping )? -
#odoo tips for#core developers - Never miss to read when@odony writes ;) - Performance fix on mail_message moderation - -
New version of
#odoo runbot chrome plugin. To quickly traverse git branches, runbot builds and auto login options for demo instances - How to create a purchase order in your WMS directly from your warehouse using a barcode scanner. A complete guide that makes your procurement process much simpler. …
#procurement#procurementprocess#purchaseprocess#odoo#barcodescanner#odooWMS#WMS -
#odoo based visitor management solution with an#Android mobile application#GatePass solution, registration management answers yet another industry problem. -
How to create a purchase order in your WMS directly from your warehouse using a barcode scanner. A complete guide that makes your procurement process much simpler. …
#procurement#procurementprocess#purchaseprocess#odoo#barcodescanner#odooWMS#WMS -
#Malaysia - Truly Asia -> gets a bundled localisation package in#odoo - … -
The new
#odoo CE backend is merged in master - -
#odoo v12 will make readonly=True by default related fields: …That's a very needed move!
#no_more_side_db_locks -
If you are into
#logistic and wish to use all in one#ERP solution with the#Mobility solution for your delivery#Staff,Try#DOST - Delivery#order ,#Signed and Tracked … by#odoo#Android#iOS -
#Odoo team is cooking something nice in standard to address partial payment allocation. Introducing: the magic pencil. -
How to Install ODOO Management Software on Ubuntu 18.04 …
#odoo -
Property Management Solution in
#odoo : … -
POS Serial No. Validator :
TIL that you can set the SEO meta tags in
#Odoo from the XML <template> or the XML <record> (with model='ir.ui.view): <meta t-set="website_meta_keywords">meta1, meta2</meta> When you set it in an xml <view> record you can also manage meta keywords in multi-lang from the XML! -
A Complete
#HR Job portal - great for employers, great for job fair events Multitenant Employment job portal in#odoo -#hr#HRMS#HRM#job#portal#employees#events#humanresources#hrsoftware#business -
A useful feature for small scale wholesalers. Create Sales Orders on the go via a barcode scanner while walking around shop shelves with customers.
#Odoo R&D peek: Improved employees and contacts view in Odoo 12. -
2500 lines of code just landed in OCA/edi for
#odoo v10. 3 new modules account_invoice_download, account_invoice_download_ovh and account_invoice_download_weboob + several important changes in the invoice import module (mig script included). See -
Openupgrade v12 -
The official
#Odoo app for#OdooExperience 2018 is out! You can download it from -
#odoo fix - -
#Odoo RD Peek: Improved SEO tool for website pages. You can now see how keywords are used in the page content (page title, description, H1, H2, content). The more checks the better. -
#Web#organization chart with#hierarchy in#odoo v11 -
#Odoo web new feature: "become superuser (uid=1)" -
#Odoo 12 will load translations 10x faster (3s instead of 30s for a typical set of apps): … .. and will also save 15% of module install time, by avoiding redundant view validation: … -
#Alfodoo is now available for#Odoo 11.0. @erpSOFTapp and@MyLogicaSoft a big thank you for your support! … -
@Akretion's innovations with#odoo during@OdooCommunity#OCAdays Monday 2018-10-01 with 2 presentations : - "Use electronic invoicing Today" by@alexisdlattre - "Sorry Magento!#shopinvader is here!" by@Seb_Beau -
New database manager for
#Odoo online. Check activities you have to do, cross databases. -
Contribution to
@Shop_invader with#odoo by#Akretion is merrged - …@Serpent_CS@Akretion -
Tip: in the upcoming
#Odoo V12 the installation of apps will be ~15% faster on average! See -
#odoo v12 will make readonly=True by default related fields: … That's a very needed move!#no_more_side_db_locks -
#Odoo RD Peek: The long awaited product configurator is on its way! Our team is rushing out to finish it for Odoo 12. Choose attribute values from the sales order, choose options and options of options..., easily exclude combinations of values, and many more. -
An automated Redis Sentinel deployment on Rancher by Camptocamp …
#Rancher#Redis#sentinel#Odoo #Fitness management with#ERP in#odoo - Management/browse …#gym
- Welcoming new contributions and favoring innovation ! One of the greatest changes for our community since the move from Launchpad to Github!
@OdooCommunity read the post here: …#Odoo
Please see more Updates:
- Odoo news in March 2018.
- Odoo news in April 2018.
- Odoo news in May 2018.
- Odoo news in June 2018.
- Odoo news in July 2018.
- Odoo news in Aug 2018.
Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. is providing various ODOO services in more than 171 countries. Our services includes Training, Support, Migration, Implementation, Development and offshore. We are a team of 86+ full time OpenERP/ODOO experts and having 11+ years of experience in Odoo/OpenERP. We have conducted 93+ local and international functional and technical training on OpenERP with 96% satisfaction ratio.
Look at the events and customer feedback.