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Prime Medical

Business Vertical: Employee Tracking & Online Reporting Application
Odoo Version: V8

Case-Study > Saltracker

About Client

Prime Medical Inc is a leading manufacturer of orthopaedic immobilization and cast room products.


  • As a being in the manufacturing vertical most of their employees are sales staff (Medical Representatives).

  • MR's duty is to visit doctors, dealers, clinics and various hospitals. All these entities have been assigned to them according to their locality and daily plan.

  • In order to have accurate reporting and keep an eye closely on MR's day-to-day transactions, SerpentCS has developed a mixed solution of Odoo backend and Android mobile application.

  • All the employee gets their separate log-in id through which they could log in to the mobile application and perform the assigned tasks and all those tasks would be tracked geographically. The primary feature of this app, each medical representative will be assigned an area and once it's assigned they will be able to see only those customers ( Doctors, Dealers, Clinics, Hospitals or Stockists ). Every MR has to create a tour plan on a weekly basis and once they visit the customer they have to do reporting from the customer's location so the system will rectify whether the location of the MR and customer are the same or not if it is same the transaction call will be captured as valid call otherwise it would be treated as deviation from location. All these front-end mobile application transactions will have an immediate impact on the back-end system and daily dashboard reporting.


  • Close Monitoring of MR has brought significant changes in an overall business & increase in profits.

  • Route Planning feature helped to optimize MR's time to visit and enabled MR to meet more Doctors and hospitals.

  • Reporting Dashboard offers accurate results to map the efficiency of MR and false reporting.

  • Reduce the cost of operations and daily expenses incurred by MR for fuel, etc.