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Process Workflow

The ultimate purpose of developing technology solutions is to reduce human involvement and to make the processes automated at their possible levels. Workflows are the best example of having such practices in which we are configuring the process templates with event-based conditions and then the system will take care of getting things done on its own. This is like configuring the steps of processes with the commands and conditions so that the ultimate outcome is achieved without any human intervention. In other words, this is something where we are well aware of the actual process but we are commanding the system to look after the sequential execution of what we have configured in terms of the sequence of actions to be taken by the system itself. This majorly includes the event-based configurable actions with the defined routes & actions.

In this article, we are going to understand how workflows help the users of our SmartCity ERP Solution. We are going to talk about the major functionalities it offers along with automated actions with examples.


Dynamic Workflows to enhance efficiency

Run-Time notification of workflow creation, expiration date & Completion

Automated decision-making with event-based workflow directions

Configurable Workflow templates

Attractive GUIs to manage workflows with configurable steps

Workflows are the part of the solution where the sequence of actions is well-defined. We just need to trigger a one-time command for the sequential execution of the stated actions. Our SmartCity ERP Solution is all about taking care of internal processes to smartly serve the citizens. So there would be many such scenarios where we have the defined steps of actions to automatically get through the ultimate results. The reason we need to have automated processes is to have our system working on the tasks and reduce the unnecessary involvement of human elements through the transitions.

Why Workflows?

The reason we need to have automated processes is to have our system working on the tasks and reduce the unnecessary involvement of human elements through the transitions.

Let's take a look at a very simple example of why we need to have such process automation in the form of workflows. 

Let's have an automated process for document editing, approval & signature by the higher authorities to produce the final expected results.

Document Creation

Let's assume that there is some kind of document where an employee creates a document with some content. But after the creation of the same, there is going to be a long process of approval at multiple stages before the higher authority signs it to produce the final result. So, let's assume that one of the employees creates the document and configures the actions of workflows so that the document can travel through the respective people/departments for the scheduled actions.

First Level Approval

The document automatically reaches the person who is responsible for the first level of approval and the respective person gets notified of this too. Accepting the document may send the document and notify the next person/department to perform their scheduled actions. Let's assume the document has been approved and it is automatically being submitted to the next authority, either to accept or reject. Rejecting the same will get the document back to its previous responsible person/department.

Document Submission

The person / Department gets notified as they are part of one such workflow where they need to review the same and perform their action of finally getting it submitted to the higher authority. So hence, approving the same will send the document for the second level acceptance. By this, the many people/departments might have worked to enhance the document by performing their respective actions.

Second Level Approval: Let's say there is a person who finally accepts/rejects the document to be sent to the signing authority for the final production.

Document Signature & Production:

According to the process we have taken as an example, this is going to be the final step of the document wherein the scheduled actions will be taken by the assigned person. So as the document created by the junior employee/writer has travelled through various stages of approval and reached its final destination, either to be approved or rejected. For this, the final stage of the document is to get signed & produced. So the person once signed, the document will be produced to the assigned person/department and then will be delivered to the respective citizen/department.


As per the example we have taken, every time an assigned person performs his/her action(s), the next person/department will get notified and that really reduces the external communication of following up with the person/department, hence making the whole process time saving and efficient. In our SmartCity ERP Solution, we can not only create the workflows and manage them with configurable templates but also will be able to check through the workflow history too. Every time any person during the life of the workflow performs an action, all the respective people will get notified. This will also notify the respective person and their superior authorities if the work is being delayed/done. We have the functionality to create reusable templates for any such requirements having the same people/departments in the chain.