Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
CRM is generally used by people who would either be in the sales department of any business. Salespeople will be entering customers’ details and maintaining data so that every time a salesperson interacts with the customer, it is easy & quick for him to offer requested services or to solve their queries. But the idea of a CRM is quite different from the conventional way of using it. Here the CRM is actually going to be the place like the “Help Desk” that you might have seen in any of the government offices. Our Smart City ERP Solution is not only making its citizens smarter but the way local bodies and government works is also in a prime focus. Here every citizen who interacts with the authority is a customer & every person who offers the requested support is like a salesperson. So in other words, this Smart City ERP Solution is also clubbed with a CRM which makes it easy for authorities to effectively connect with the citizens. This CRM implementation will not only make people smarter but also will enhance the procedural aspects and make it efficient. Let's have a detailed look at how such a CRM is going to work in a public-serving environment.
Residents’ authentication with their unique IDs.
Email and SMS integration with Two ways Communication
Automatic assignation of citizens' request
Allows to manage detailed information of Citizens and Employees
Integration with other Government Portals and Utility Applications

Strong user/client authentication
Smart City ERP solution helps to keep a strong user identification based on different inputs. For example Adhar card or pan-card numbers, Citizen address with full name details. Also, we can add residents' smart card reference numbers. It also assists to keep a set of questions for customer identification. Moreover, it provides the functionality to keep track of property( asset) authentication with unique asset no. and full details of a property. Smart city ERP solutions help to identify property locations for authentication.

Manage citizen's information with ease of communication
Customer Relationship Management is a very important role to manage Citizens' as well as employees' information. In order to make strong communication CRM helps quick communication with different levels of the Sales department. It allows users to choose different activities that help to plan in a manner for different levels of tasks. It also assists to set up an activity reminder for specific citizens. Not only that it allows you to share the documents over an email through specific departments and users. CRM Also helps to keep track of communication history that includes internal and external notes.

Email & SMS Integration
Communication is a key channel for any smart city as every citizen needs a quick solution for any issue. Our ERP solution provides Email configurations that help to send required details including different Templates and forms, and regular notification for any new updates going to happen within the city area. It provides the functionality to integrate with SMS services that help to make a communication channel flawlessly. Also, it helps to keep track of communication history which helps an effortless process for Smart City.

Cross-Portal Integrations
Digital City ERP provides options to integrate with different Government portals that help to generate applications and check the status of the customers. Additionally, CRM can also help to generate sales orders and quotations for specific customers. Not only orders but CRM assists to keep a track record of Payments and receipts too. It also provides the functionality to connect with different government-provided utility services. Considering all these points we can say that the SmartCity ERP Solution we have is a cross-portal system and offers centralized operations without making its users switch between different systems. For the citizens of the city, there might be 10 different portals to deal with various government services but for the administration, there should be something centralized and that is something our ERP solution offers them with.

Smart Request Assignation
CRM is generally used to manage sales and business development activities in the corporate sector. The salesperson would log in to perform their daily tasks scheduled. But here in our SmartCity ERP Solution, we are offering a CRM platform to act like a tracking system for citizens’ service requests and resolutions to the issues they raise. There would be many government departments and hence there would be different people in each department to look after the citizens' queries and requests. Our SmartCity ERP Solution has a lucrative feature that helps the citizens to directly get in touch with the right person based on the request/issue they want to get addressed by the administration. This way the system allows the administrators to assign the request/issue raised by the customer to its respective department & then a person who can address the same. Adding such smartness eliminates the tedious and time-consuming processes hence helping requests/issues to get answered as quickly as possible. This assignment will be based on the type of request/issue as there are many things to take into consideration while processing any such inquiries to address citizens’ issues.
So to summarize all the points mentioned, CRM in SmartCity ERP Solution is not just for the salespersons but also have been utilized to take care of citizens’ inquiries, service requests, complaints and/or issues and many such things where the administrative body requires to allow citizens to directly connect with the right department as well as person to look into their matters. In other words the CRM we have here is in actual terms, Citizens Relationship Management, becoming the bridge between people & administration.