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Lectures on IT, Management and behavioral Science @ SerpentCS

June 9, 2013 by
Lectures on IT, Management and behavioral Science @ SerpentCS


We are the strong believers that More We Discuss, More ideas evolve, More we come closer to everyone and more we grow eventually. At SerpentCS, we took the initiative to invite experts to share their valuable input with our employees. It will help them to cope up with global trends.

Management and IT

The First Lecture was about 'Management & IT',  was delivered by Kunal Mojidra who is an Assistant Professor at a Management College, Narmada. He agreed to present his insights at a very short notice. He has been generating MBA talents since last 3 years or so. Employees were looking very much involved and interested in the interactive session. Kunal shared the strategy and Management lessons by giving some interesting examples of how well-known companies have been managing their services, how they faced failures, how they came out better and how they stood strong in their market positions. 

Lectures on IT, Management @ SerpentCS Lectures on IT, Management @ SerpentCS 


  We then organized a debate session with 2 teams on the topic 'Engineering Or Management?'. That Group Discussion brought out a lot more abilities of each of the staff member of speaking, convincing and fun factor. 

   Lectures on IT, Management @ SerpentCS 



  After the presentation, there was a discussion on why soft-skills are necessary in today's professional environment. Senior Staff of SerpentCS also gave some useful tips that can be helpful in employee's personal and professional growth. Management of SerpentCS concluded that both the wings, Engineering and Management are important for an organization. When managed well both of them, Success is assured.


Behavioral Science

After the great feedback from the employees, SerpentCS management is encouraged to organize more experts lectures. We had called up an expert from software industry. Our expert, Mitesh Soni, has experience for over 5 years in the field. He has been part of 3 different organizations. Last Saturday, he was our expert who shared remarkable points in Organizational Behaviour. It was a wonderful experience for all. 

   Lectures on behavioral Science @ SerpentCS Lectures on behavioral Science @ SerpentCS 

After the very interactive, enjoyable and a thought-provoking session, Mitesh Soni was given a medal and a memento.

Mitesh shared his feedback:
" It was 2 AM in the morning on 1st June, 2013 when I came to know that I need to take one expert lecture on behavioral aspect of a professional; I politely convinced Jay vora that it would be sharing of an experience which I have gained in past few years and not the “expert lecture”.
When conversation started at SerpentCS, I could see exuberance and liveliness of young students who might have joined months or year back. Youth comes with uncontrolled energy and often we all young people learn with our daily experiences on how to control our energy in right direction.  
We discussed how knowledge we possess becomes of double value when we have the opportunity of sharing it with others. There was a time in between where I learnt couple of things from the young professionals and they provided me various hints on which I should move forward which is not usual in this kind of discussions. Employees of SerpentCS were agile in nature and hence serious lecture was transformed into a creative discussion and we didn’t even realize it.

It was a pleasure to share experience with them on how teamwork is important, how your role is not limited to a task assigned to you when you are working in a team. We emphasized on the communication part and we all agreed that if you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams. It is possible to be competitive and still respect each others' abilities for a common goal – that is success of an organization.

Moral of the Conversation: Remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons. Observe yourself, trust your choices, and everything is possible. You are an observer of what you observe. Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value hence desire more, help others; emotions, trust, communication, and respect are influential factors in success of a team and organization.

It was an experience which I will cherish for rest of life. All the best SerpentCS! Be a “Game Changer” in Open Source world!

" We want our employees to be Global Citizens. We will groom them to be ready to take any challenge. Employees are our priced asset. Get ready Serpents, Way to go.
