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OpenERP Installation Guide on MAC OSX 10.9

February 27, 2014 by
OpenERP Installation Guide on MAC OSX 10.9

OpenERP Version 7 Installation on Mac OSX 10.9 There are Many ways to install OpenERP and dependent packages on Mac like using pip, port and brew. Here is the steps to install OpenERP using ports. To get port command working you need to Download and install Macports. 

Install PostgreSQL 9.3 Server

Installing PostgreSQL Server is required to connect to postgres and create database.

Download PostgreSQL package and install it.

After successful installation we need to create our system user as a postgres superuser. Run following terminal commands to create user.

sudo su – postgres

createuser <your system username>

It will prompt you to make this user as super user? YES

Make it superuser

psql93 template1 -U postgres -W

this might be psql or psql with version depends on installation

This will ask for posrgres user password and give you template1 connection

ALTER USER <your system username> WITH password ‘your password’;

Above query will set password for system username in postgres.


You will back to system user prompt

We successfully installed Postgres Server

To check the installation you can run this command

psql93 -l

It will list out available databases list


Installing OpenERP Dependencies

We will goto root user prompt to install all dependencies with following command

sudo -i

We will install python 2.6 and dependent packages in python 2.6

port install python26

port select python python26

port install py26-setuptools; easy_install setuptools

port install py26-psycopg2 + postgresql93; easy_install psycopg2

port install py26-reportlab; easy_install report lab

port install py26-lxml; easy_install lxml

port install py26-tz; easy_install pytz

port install py26-mako; easy_install mako

port install py26-dateutil; easy_install DateUtils

port install graphviz + python26 +no_x11

port install py26-parsing; easy_install pyparsing

port install py26-pil; easy_install pil

port install py26-docutils; easy_install docutils

port install py26-openerp-auth-openid; easy_install openerp-auth-openid

port install py26-pip; easy_install pip

port install py26-mock; easy_install mock

port install py26-unittest2; easy_install unittest2

port install py26-Werkzeug; easy_install Werkzeug

port install py26-mxdatetime; easy_install mxdatetime

port install py26-caldav; easy_install caldav

port install py26-pydot; easy_install pydot

port install py26-feedparser; easy_install feed parser

sudo port py26-babel; easy_install babel

Install PyChart using following commands.


tar xvfz PyChart-1.39.tar

cd PyChart-1.39

sudo python2.6 build

sudo python2.6 install


For the missing packages or unknown packages you can check package names on below link and install package based on package name with port command.

Get Source from bazaar

Install bzr on Mac using brew

brew install bzr

Get OpenERP stable version 7 source from Launchpad


$ bzr lp:openobject-server/7.0 serve

$ bzr branch lp:openobject-addons/7.0 addons

$ bzr branch lp:openerp-web/7.0 web-client


We are done and ready to run OpenERP from terminal

python2.6 openerp-server –addons-path=../addons/,../web-client/addons/ –db_host=localhost –db_port=5432 -u <system user> -w <password>

For ODOO V8 we need to install this lib :

Download Python-Passlib :

Extract and goto directory and run : python install

References :