Product Expiry Feature in Odoo Odoo provides a feature through the “Products Expiration Date” module to track the product by its expiration dates and with the lot and Serial Number of the product. Here we are talking about tracking... Odoo15 Odoo16
Change Currency at Global level in Odoo V16 In this blog, I'll be sharing my insights and tips on how to manage currencies in Odoo v16 effectively. As we all know, managing currencies can be a complex task, especially if you're dealing with mul... Odoo Odoo16 OdooERP
OpenERP Module Recording : A Complete How-to for XML/YML! Hello Everyone. Did you ever come across a need during OpenERP development where you had to record a bunch of xml data or yml records at once and you don't like doing xml programming? Yes, this has be... 6.1 OpenERP SerpentCS module recorder
Users, Groups, Access Rights and Record Rules in Odoo Users and user roles are critical points concerning internal security in Odoo. Odoo provides several security mechanisms concerning user roles, all implemented in the Odoo Server. They are implemented... Odoo Odoo15 Odoo16 OpenERP odoo access rights security