SerpentCS receives the excellence award for Industry Development by IEDRA - Delhi Date : December 02, 2017 Location : Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India. On the stage: Ambassadors, Governors, Union Ministers, National Leaders. The global service provider of Business Applicatio... IEDRA achievement award
Enticing new clients at Gitex Technology Week 2017 with ERP solutions GITEX Technology Week is an annual technology event that takes place in Dubai where tech-pioneers from all over the World present their latest services, solutions, inventions and innovations. The even... ERP ERP Mobility ERPNext Odoo apps
ERPNext Tips of the Month September - 2017 Dear Readers, We have been releasing some useful tips and news around ERPNext every month. Here we go for September 2017. Please note down the ERPNext tips coming out of Media around ERPNext especiall... ERPNext Frappe Framework GST Installation POS healthcare
The Significance of ERPNext for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprise) Organizations actualize ERP frameworks to coordinate the business procedures of a company and enable associations to get a cut-throat advantage. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is one of the answer... ERP Next ERPNEXT SERVICES erpnext erpnext apps next erp
SerpentCS Showcases Solutions GITEX 2017 GITEX Technology week is going to be scheduled from 8 th October 2017 to 12 th October 2017 where the SerpentCS will represent it's ready solutions for businesses various services for SMEs and Enterpr... ERP Gitex2017 Odoo POS Odoo apps OpenSource Business Apps gitex technology week 2017 odoo
DOST - Delivery Order, Signed and Tracked : A Friend of DeliveryMen We have published the Delivery Order Signed and Tracked application to the entire Odoo Community. You can download it using the link below. If this ... Android iOS APP odoo
Know the pre-requisites for hiring ERPNext Developer for your ERP Project Ecommerce development can go incredibly great by hiring right developers. The trend of ERP systems are currently buzzing around and so there has been seen a constant increase in hiring right developer... HIRE ERPNEXT DEVELOPER Hire erpnext Expert hire dedicated erpnext team hire erp developer
ERP Mobility: A value added benefit to your OpenSource Enterprise Solutions Mobile workforce is on a boom nowadays. Open Source Enterprise Solutions are getting opportunity to offer great flexibility and increased productivity through improved information sharing that any of ... ERP Mobility Odoo CRM App Odoo HRMS Odoo apps OpenSource Business Apps odoo branded app odoo whitelabel android app
Strengthen Your Business With Real-Time Tour Planning & Tracking System for your field staff Do you have a large client-base that requires constant touch with your business and products to meet customer demands? Do you wish to set great marketing opportunities while establishing a trend towar... Odoo Salesman Tracking System Odoo Staff Tracking System field staff tracking app field staff tracking software field staff tracking system salesperosn tracking app salesperson tracking software salesperson tracking system
Guess What's Buzzing Around!! It's Odoo Version 11 Release! Improved API, Faster Interface, Developer Focused and lots more! Yes, you read that right! Odoo Version 11, which is soon going to be released in near future offers lot of convenience as compared to i... Odoo Development OpenERP / Odoo odoo 11 odoo implementation odoo mobile app
SerVisa- A One-Stop Solution To Your Entire Visa Processing Needs! SerVisa management for agents typically refers to the process of assisting individuals or businesses in obtaining visas for foreign travel. Visa agents help clients navigate the complex visa applicati... Travel Management Software Visa Management Software Visa Management Solutions Visa Processing System eVisa Management System visa management system