Aeroo Report Installation script in Odoo! Hello Reader, We’ve blogged how to setup Aeroo engine Installation in OpenERP7 here , one of the most visited blogs! Author : Luke Branch Source : Odoo Forum. To install Aeroo Reports and all related ... SerpentCS aeroo odoo
Aeroo Reports in Odoo/ OpenERP v8! Hello Reader, We've blogged how to setup Aeroo engine in OpenERP7 here , one of the most visited blogs! We have ourselves contributed the highest for the Aeroo Reports. Its a pleasure that our contrib... OpenERP aeroo odoo
Odoo Tips of the month : March 2015 Please note down the ODOO tips coming out of Media around Odoo. - Fields.Char() does not need size attribute now. - Always specify name of all XML elements to allow easy search via xpath for inheritan... odoo
Product Expiry Feature in Odoo Odoo provides a feature through the “Products Expiration Date” module to track the product by its expiration dates and with the lot and Serial Number of the product. Here we are talking about tracking... Odoo15 Odoo16
Relational fields in Odoo Relational fields are used to link the record of one model with the record of another model(s). Different types of relational fields in odoo: Many2one One2many Many2many 1. Many2One Field in odoo Many... Odoo Odoo Technical Odoo15 Odoo16
TouchScreen POS (Point of Sale) on Odoo version 10-11-12-13-14 The brand new OpenERP touchscreen odoo pos is available for odoo versions 10,11 and 12 which allows you to manage your shop sales very easily. It's fully web-based so that you don't have to install ... Odoo pos features Odoo web pos Openerp pos POS ipad pos odoo pos app open source pos
Change Language in Odoo - V15 and V16 If you want to use Odoo in your local/nationalized language or any other language (other than English(default)), you can surely change the Language in a few minutes. Just follow the simple steps below... ERP Odoo Odoo15 Odoo16
Change Currency at Global level in Odoo V16 In this blog, I'll be sharing my insights and tips on how to manage currencies in Odoo v16 effectively. As we all know, managing currencies can be a complex task, especially if you're dealing with mul... Odoo Odoo16 OdooERP
Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. Partners with OpenERP! Guys, July 1 brings a great pleasure for us that we become Ready Partner with OpanERP SA. Details are here . We would like to thank Mantavya Gajjar and Dhaval Trivedi for all their support. We become ... SerpentCS
Multi Companies Configuration with Odoo 16 As an ERP system, Odoo primarily supports SME Companies with its countless modules and apps in mapping their business processes. For more complex or multinational corporate structures, Odoo 16 multi-c... Odoo Odoo16 configuration multicompany
Odoo Training - Dubai 🇦🇪 Over the years Serpent Consulting Services Pvt Ltd has conducted numerous Odoo Technical and Odoo Functional Trainings. Odoo is a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. Our Training Programs are ... Odoo Odoo Technical Training Odoo functional Training Odoo15 Odoo16