ODOO auto-startup Script ODOO auto-startup Script Hello Community, As we know OpenERP (v7) / ODOO (v8) is an open source suit of ERP business applications. We will guide you how you can easily create auto-startup script of OD... odoo
OpenERP/Odoo - Digital Signature Widget Hello Community, ODOO is excellent as you know, which has come up with Website CMS and e-Commerce features since v8. Still we are far away from competing various eCommerce CMS providers like magento, ... OpenERP OpenERP 7 install SerpentCS Web odoo signature widget
ODOO : What’s happening in 1st week of Feb 2015 - Part 1! Community, Please note the following updates: 1. # odoo Prevent PO's with invoicing control 'Based on incoming shipments' containing services. http:// goo.gl/oY2Ud9 . @ OdooCommunity 2. # Odoo # RD pe... OpenERP SerpentCS odoo
Importance of Business Process Document in ERP! Serpent Consulting Services Pvt Ltd is into ERP implementation since 8 years and have been actively working on various ERPs which mainly includes Odoo , Tryton , OpenBravo, ERPNext and as main players... Business Process Document ERP
Odoo Ecommerce : Shop by Brands - Contribution Hello Community, ODOO is excellent as you know, which has come up with Website CMS and e-Commerce features since v8. Still we are far away from competing various eCommerce CMS providers like magento, ... SerpentCS ecommerce odoo
Command-line Params in ODOO Explained Hello Community, Here are the Server Parameters using which you can perform operations by command-line while starting instance of OpenERP(V7) and V8 - ODOO . These will help you to perform some tasks ... Installation OpenERP SerpentCS odoo
OpenERP V7 and V8(odoo) installation on Ubuntu Installing OpenERP (v7) and ODOO (v8) On UBUNTU Hello Community, As we know OpenERP (v7) / ODOO (v8) is an open source suit of ERP business applications. There are several ways to install OpenERP(v7) ... 7.0 Installation OpenERP OpenERP 7 install SerpentCS Training odoo
OpenERP/Odoo : Difference of read() and browse() calls! Hello Community, Recently there has been a discussion going on whether its good to use read() or browse() in OpenERP/Odoo. This discussion was even launched earlier too way back in 2011 , some suggest... OpenERP odoo
GNUHealth goes live in Jamaica! GNU Health goes live in #Jamaica ! Some pictures from Santa Cruz center mission, the first out of 300+ Public Health centers to adopt #GNUHealth nationwide. Thank you to the Ministry of Health of Jama... GNU Health
POC : new XMLRPC endpoint from Odoo An email loop from Odoo - Official! The current XMLRPC layers (/xmlrpc/ and /xmlrpc/2/) use the old calling conventions (CC). They can't be converted to the new CC as there is not enough information a... odoo xmlrpc
Odoo : Barcode not getting printed on Reports! Hello Reader, Recently the community has been facing issues on barcodes on xsl reports not getting printed. For XSL reports, the reportlab is still in action, so the solution is to tweak the lib well.... barcode odoo