OpenERP Integration with Liferay by SerpentCS! OpenERP is an open-source enterprise resource planning (ERP) software actively programmed, supported, and organized by OpenERP s.a. OpenERP is similar to many open source projects where customized pro... OpenERP SerpentCS liferay
OpenERP News of the 3rd Quarter 2013 from SerpentCS! Dear Reader, Following are our OpenERP contributions of the quarter: 1. AIOS - Android based OpenERP Android client made free for v6.1 and v7. 2. 62 Webkit reports for official addons v7 contributed f... SerpentCS Training
OpenERP-Evernote Integration by SerpentCS! OpenERP is an open-source enterprise resource planning (ERP) software actively programmed, supported, and organized by OpenERP s.a. OpenERP is similar to many open source projects where customized pro... OpenERP SerpentCS evernote
SerpentCS : A Lot can hapen over December 2013! December, here we come! Much is happening here. We have OpenERP, Android, Jboss and MySQL Corporate Trainings and ERP implementation trainings going on and we are also adding new service as iPhone App...
OpenERP Functional Training in Singapore for October 2013! Learning should always pump more blood in you! Crea8s, the official ready partner of OpenERP has organized a Functional Training on OpenERP v7 in Singapore starting from October 26, 2013 to October 30...
Product Expiry Feature in Odoo Odoo provides a feature through the “Products Expiration Date” module to track the product by its expiration dates and with the lot and Serial Number of the product. Here we are talking about tracking... Odoo15 Odoo16
SerpentCS goes green by buying a bicycle as an official vehicle In the days of Global warming and Fuel price hikes, we have to help our country, economy and this the world to breathe easy. Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. , who is known always for unique acti... SerpentCS bicycle health
Setup Aeroo Report Engine for OpenERP Hello Everyone, These are the steps to setup and use Aeroo reports in OpenERP! Lets thank Alistek for this wonderful Reporting engine. Install Aeroo Reports Library: Download Aeroolib at following lin...
GNU Health project at Kyeni Consolata Hospital - Kenya ! Readers, GNU Health is a free Health and Hospital Information System with many awards. Few weeks ago Thymbra got a mail from Beatriz Meijide. She is from Spain and she has been involved in a very grea...
Relational fields in Odoo Relational fields are used to link the record of one model with the record of another model(s). Different types of relational fields in odoo: Many2one One2many Many2many 1. Many2One Field in odoo Many... Odoo Odoo Technical Odoo15 Odoo16
OpenERP Technical, Functional Training in India : September 2013 Dear Aspirants, Serpent Consulting Services successfully completed 14 Training sessions of OpenERP Technical and OpenERP Functional Trainings for the year 2012, and 9 Training Sessions in the year 201...