SerpentCS Pvt. Ltd. does an MOU with LD College of Engg. This is a moment of pride! This makes us feel proud to announce that Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. has done an MOU(Memorandum of Understanding) with L.D. College of Engineering (LDCE), one of ... LDCE SerpentCS achievement
SerpentCS analyzes that United States is Moving to OpenSource ! Hello, Since last 3 weeks, Husen Daudi and Jay Vora are observing a growth in the no. of visits of our blogs and website. 1. blog-serpent-consulting-service ! 2. Husen's blog ! 3. Jay's Blog ! Serpent... SerpentCS Us visits
Multi Companies Configuration with Odoo 16 As an ERP system, Odoo primarily supports SME Companies with its countless modules and apps in mapping their business processes. For more complex or multinational corporate structures, Odoo 16 multi-c... Odoo Odoo16 configuration multicompany
OpenERP Technical, Functional Training in India : May 2013 Dear Aspirants, We feel proud to announce that Serpent Consulting Services is organizing a Functional and Technical Training on OpenERP version 7 which is going to rock the floors of ERP Market. We ha...
Know Fabien Pinckaers, CEO of OpenERP SA ! Happy B'day on May 4th Every year He who has an Inspiring journey, attitude, gratitude, patience and leading skills ! I might be wrong, but only he can correct... Fabien Pinckaers completes 11 years o... fabien pinckaers
OpenERP Technical, Functional Training in India, April 2013 Dear Aspirants, We feel proud to announce that Serpent Consulting Services is organizing a Functional and Technical Training on OpenERP version 7 which is going to rock the floors of ERP Market. We ha...
OpenERP 7.0 : Multicompany Bug is fixed! Sigh of relief on 09-09-13 again! A Long wait has come to an end : The bug has been fixed : https://bugs.laun...
3 OpenSource ERPs at Barcelona OpenEXPO ! There will be blood when 3 OpenSource ERPs will be presented one after another at OpenEXPO being held at Barcelona, Spain ! The next March 1 in Central Barcelona Activa (Carrer Almogàvers, 165), the s... Tryton
OpenERP Functional, Technical Training in India : March 2013 Dear Aspirants, We feel proud to announce that Serpent Consulting Services is organizing a Functional and Technical Training on OpenERP version 7 which is going to rock the floors of ERP Market. We ha... 6.1 7.0 OpenERP 7 install SerpentCS Training
SerpentCS and Sudanese guests in the news! Hello Everyone, अतिथि देवो भवः | SerpentCS is having a principle to treat guests as GOD and we strictly follow this tradition which is a part of Indian Culture! On Jan 25,2013 we had the Eid-e-milaad ... SerpentCS newspaper
How to install OpenERP 7.0 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Courtesy : Introduction Welcome to the latest of our very popular OpenERP installation “How Tos”. The new release of OpenERP 7.0 is a major upgrade and a new Long Term ... Installation Guide OpenERP 7 install OpenERP POS