OpenERP Functional and Technical Trainings Week-13-14 2012 in India Hurry Up before its late. There is really a good news for those who are seeking the right place to get Technical and Functional Training on OpenERP for Version 6.0/6.1. Serpent Consulting Services is ... SerpentCS Training
OpenERP 6.0.4 is Released ! Dear Community/Reader, Long story short : OpenERP Version 6.0.4 is Released after a long wait! OpenERP Version 6.1 is already released , so this might not be so important for everybody, but lets annou... 6.0.4 6.1 SerpentCS
OpenERP : Indian Currency Added by Proposal of SerpentCS Recently Indian Government has announced the new Indian Currency Symbol. Serpent Consulting Services is taking the privilege to add the Indian Currency Symbol to OpenERP System. We are India based Ope... 6.0.4 6.1 OpenERP SerpentCS
How to know OpenERP Server Version? We understand why you landed to this page and You might have this question in your mind to know the version of Installed OpenERP in your system. This is very easy by using the code as follows. Create ...
OpenERP Multi Image Lightbox widget Dear Community, By the time I write this, OpenERP Version 6.1 release is touch short and we are happy to announce that we have made a widget for multiple images to be seen as a lightbox just like Face... Image Widget OpenERP
OpenERP : Advance Invoice HowTo & Accounting features at Glance! Open ERP is one of the best Open Source ERPs. Financial management has never been so easy as you can type it, but its a hard task to be carried out with several critical and delicate details filed up ... Advance Invoice Finance OpenERP
Importance of Resources and their efficient use!!! Today, I got a chance to discuss few policies with Manan Vora, Husen Daudi, Hemkant Sharma, Julious, Nandu Masta, Rehman Munza, Nilesh Prajapati and Anand Trivedi. While deciding some policies, Our Ch...
Learn OpenERP, How-to of OpenERP, Everything about OpenERP ! Hello you-our precious Reader, Before you start, have a latest news as on Dec 21,2012 that OpeERP version 7 has been released . I understand why you have arrived to this page and after completing the ...
Attrs In Odoo / OpenERP Or How to Use Attrs in Odoo / OpenERP ? As an OpenERP/Odoo Developer, you might come across such a situation where you would like to make one or some fields read-only or mandatory or hide ('invisible' in Odoo terminology) based on the value... Odoo Odoo15 Odoo16 OpenERP SerpentCS attrs